Rowan University Gears Up for Their Rookie Season
The Profs feel confident on the up-coming season
ECRHA October 2nd, 2008 at 4:32AM October 2nd, 2008 4:47AMRowan University, who started from nothing just a year ago, looks to have a promising season this year. "I know we are in a tough division with some good teams around the area, but we got a great bunch of guys who are ready to play" goalie and President of the club Phil DaSilva comments. Phil started the team before he even started attending Rowan. His senior year, once he decided he was going to attend Rowan, Phil got all the information he needed from the school to start a club and by the time he arrived at school the word had been spreading around campus. With the help of teammate Chuck VanFossen in the Fall of 2007 the Club had roughly 20 members in it and by Spring 2008 the number grew to 30. These thirty kids played in an in-house league at the local rink and did quite well. During the Spring semester Phil then started gathering all the information for joining the ECRHA, in which they are now playing Division II this year. A club that grew from fliers put up in dorm rooms, who now is chartered and funded by the University is looking to have a very rewarding season.